In these pages we will present a summary of the main activities carried out by the Agency in 2021, ranging from the evaluation of calls for applications for degrees, teaching staff and R&D&I to expert committees, online courses, webinars, the review of the quality policy with its new map of strategic processes and the internationalisation process with the membership of ENQA (The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
In addition, at the beginning of the year we launched the new website, which was one of the most important points of the Agency’s strategic plan, also reviewing all its communication channels, renewing the graphic design of the reports, protocols and guides generated, in order to adapt AVAP’s corporate image, making it more modern and more in line with new information trends.
Like 2020, 2021 was a year deeply marked by the pandemic and AVAP had to adapt its activities to the demands of the new global situation, incorporating teleworking and holding all meetings, committees and conferences online to avoid having to attend events in person. However, from September onwards, face-to-face events were gradually resumed, and these will also be discussed in this report.
Compliance with the guidelines established in the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) has also been one of our main objectives in 2021, including 3.4, the Thematic Analyses. These are structured analyses of the situation of the university system in specific areas, showing the evolution, trends, good practices and areas for improvement, with the aim of providing information to the universities themselves, public administrations and social agents for decision-making.
The 2021 activity report can be consulted below: