Forecasting in higher education makes it possible to advance with objective information on the needs and changes that may occur in the immediate future in the Valencian university system with the ultimate aim of continuous improvement of the system to promote the creation of wealth through talent and innovation.

In this sense, AVAP is at the service of forecasting in higher education in the Valencian Community. For this reason, it is leading actions aimed at this objective and, on the other hand, any public or private institution in the Region of Valencia can count on AVAP’s support and advice when it comes to developing studies in this field.

The last forecasting report carried out by AVAP was conceived at the beginning of 2020 and arose from the need to carry out an employability study on our graduates in the region. We wanted to find out through a qualitative study how the first generations of young graduates were reaching the labour market.

We are not just talking about curricular content, we are talking about the tools that young people who are making a significant effort to prepare for their future will need and which are not yet considered as subjects in standard undergraduate studies.

With the arrival of COVID19 , the qualitative work that we intended to develop and which was to serve as a basis for future periodic studies on the employability of graduates from Valencian universities had to be reformulated.

The focus on the future was what mattered to us above all else and the universities’ need to know their real influence and therefore their needs for continuous improvement were still present.

You can download the entire document in this link