On this page you will find all the information about the selection procedure for the evaluators who participate in the evaluation processes of the Valencian Agency for Assessment and Foresight.
The criteria described here for the selection of evaluators are based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the Principles for the Selection of Experts agreed by the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA).
As established in Article 11 of Chapter III of Law 5/2006, of 25 May, of the Generalitat, on the Creation of the Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP), the Agency requires the collaboration of external evaluators for its evaluation, accreditation and certification functions. These evaluators will be appointed by fields of knowledge or specialities. As external assessors, they will not be considered AVAP staff and will be appointed by the Agency’s General Management for an unspecified number of cases. They will also receive financial compensation depending on the number and type of cases evaluated.
The evaluation activity carried out by AVAP makes it necessary to continually update the team of external collaborators who carry out quality evaluation tasks in higher education.
AVAP is committed to quality and the improvement of higher education as a way of contributing to the progress of our community with the aim of becoming a useful instrument for universities and society.
The evaluation activity does not require continuous dedication. The candidate must ensure that he/she is able to combine it with his/her other occupations.
AVAP will provide the information, resources and training necessary to carry out the evaluation activity.
It should be noted that the call for the selection of evaluators is permanently open, so that those interested and who meet the required characteristics can submit their applications throughout the year.
Evaluators are needed for the following areas:
- Monitoring and Accreditation of official university degrees.
- Accreditation of contracted teaching staff
- Evaluation of R+D+I
Academic profile:
- Belong to the bodies of university teaching staff or be a contracted lecturer with a doctorate. In the case of private university teaching staff, they must belong to the research teaching staff and be accredited.
- Not have any kind of professional connection with the universities of the University System of the Valencian Community, except in the case of evaluation processes that are carried out outside this system.
- Have a minimum of 2 five-year and 2 six-year periods.
Student profile:
- To be enrolled in a doctorate, master’s degree or the last two years of a bachelor’s degree.
- To have training and, as far as possible, experience in teaching evaluation and quality assurance processes. Participation as representatives in legally constituted student associations and participation in the quality committees of the degrees they are taking or have taken will be positively valued.
- Not having any link with any university of the Valencian university system.
Research profile:
- Main professional activity carried out outside the scope of the Comunitat Valenciana university system, except for evaluation processes carried out outside the system itself.
- University research staff with contractual links or researchers from the CSIC or other research bodies.
- They must have a minimum of two sexennials or equivalent research activity.
Expert profile in quality:
- Knowledge and experience in the design and implementation of quality assurance systems in higher education.
- Knowledge and experience in the evaluation of institutional monitoring or accreditation.
- Experience in processes of verification, monitoring and/or renewal of degree accreditation.
Professional profile:
- Possess an official university degree.
- Have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in one of the fields of knowledge listed in Annex I of RD 822/2021.
- Not have any type of affiliation with the universities of the Valencian Community University System.
- Previous experience in evaluating the quality of official university degrees, university institutions, faculty, or in university quality assurance systems will be valued.
- Institutional planning: strategic plans and institutional policies.
- Teaching methodologies, learning outcomes, quality assurance.
- Management in professional councils or committees.
All interested persons can submit their application using the following form: Access to form
IMPORTANT: in the form you must indicate the profile for which you are applying and the area or areas of evaluation in which you are interested in taking part.
If you have any doubts or queries, please contact us by e-mail
AVAP reviews all the applications submitted to ensure that they meet the requirements established in the quality of education evaluation processes carried out on the basis of the ESG.
Applications that meet the established requirements are entered into the Agency’s database of evaluators, and at this point they receive an email informing them that their application has been accepted. They will be contacted by the agency’s staff when it is necessary to incorporate an expert with their profile for an evaluation process in which they have applied to participate, and they will then have to confirm their availability to participate in the process.