Protocols and Appeals Commission

The Protocol for the evaluation of quality assurance activities carried out by the AVAP establishes that in order to carry out said activities, the AVAP will obtain the advice of the scientific, academic and professional community and for this purpose the external evaluation commissions of the AVAP will be appointed. AVAP, made up of renowned academic staff, expert staff in quality assurance systems, university management or the European Higher Education Area, as well as university students.

The Protocol also establishes the composition and functions of the Protocols and Allegations Committee, which will be responsible for preparing a report at the request of the Council of Universities, in the event of a claim by the university regarding the accreditation renewal report. of official university degrees, or in the event of a claim by the university in the event of verification of new degrees or monitoring of existing degrees.

The Regulations Governing the Organization and Operation of the Protocols and Appeals Commission may be found here.


D. Jesús Ángel Fuentetaja Pastor Prof. UNED Administrative Law Area


Dª Isabel de Brugada Sauras
Prof. Universidad de Granada Experimental Psychology Area
D. Laureano González Vega Prof. Universidad de Cantabria Quantitative Methods Area
Dª Elisa Heymann Pignolo
Prof. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Computer Architecture Area
D. José Manuel Teira Alcaraz
PhD Student at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Theater Studies Area


Dña. Reyes Giner Escrihuela Head of the Quality Service AVAP