Accreditation Commission
D. José Antonio Fernández García | Professor University of Malaga | Biology Area |
D. Carlos Arias Martín | Professor at the University of Seville | Applied Economics Area |
Dña. Isabel de Brugada Sauras | Professor at the University of Granada | Psychology Area |
D. Sebastián Dormido Bencomo | Professor and Doctor Honoris Causa of UNED | Systems Engineering and Automation Area |
Dña. Marta Figueredo Galimany | Professor of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | Organic Chemistry Area |
D. Eduardo García Jiménez | Professor at the University of Seville | Area of Research and Diagnosis in Education |
D. José Manuel Gómez Muñoz | Professor at the University of Seville | Labor and Social Security Law Area |
Dña Heymann Pignolo Elisa | Full Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | Area of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems |
Dña. Maria Dolores Pérez Cárceles | Professor at the University of Murcia | Legal and Forensic Medicine Area |
Dña. Reyes Giner Escrihuela | Head of the Quality in Higher Education and Innovation Service of AVAP |