Accreditation Commission


D. José Antonio Fernández García Professor University of Malaga Biology Area


D. Carlos Arias Martín Professor at the University of Seville Applied Economics Area
Dña. Isabel de Brugada Sauras Professor at the University of Granada Psychology Area
D. Sebastián Dormido Bencomo Professor and Doctor Honoris Causa of UNED Systems Engineering and Automation Area
Dña. Marta Figueredo Galimany Professor of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Organic Chemistry Area
D. Eduardo García Jiménez Professor at the University of Seville Area of Research and Diagnosis in Education
D. José Manuel Gómez Muñoz Professor at the University of Seville Labor and Social Security Law Area
Dña Heymann Pignolo Elisa Full Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Area of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
Dña. Maria Dolores Pérez Cárceles Professor at the University of Murcia Legal and Forensic Medicine Area


Dña. Reyes Giner Escrihuela Head of the Quality in Higher Education and Innovation Service of AVAP