Acreditación Institucional CEU

AVAP and CEU Cardenal Herrera University discuss institutional accreditation and degree renewal

The Valencian Agency for Evaluation and Prospective (AVAP) has held a meeting with CEU Cardenal Herrera University, with the aim of addressing key issues such as institutional accreditation and the renewal of accreditation of degrees. The main topic of the meeting was the institutional accreditation process, a rigorous evaluation that seeks to guarantee educational quality…

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Reunión Consejo Asesor


AVAP has met by videoconference with the Agency’s Advisory Board. During the meeting, the new president, Vicente Botti, was introduced and the body was shown the Activities Report for 2022 and the new developments that will materialize during the 2023-2024 academic year, such as the verification and modification of degrees and institutional accreditation. This body…

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AVAP Reunión Unis


The Valencian Agency for Assessment and Foresight (AVAP) held a follow-up meeting with the quality areas of the universities in the Valencian Community to share information. The meeting took place at the AVAP headquarters and had a hybrid format, as universities that could not attend in person participated virtually. During the meeting, the 2022 Activity…

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Memorias AVAP


The Valencian Agency for Assessment and Foresight (AVAP) has released its activity report for the year 2022. The report contains all the information related to the authorization, monitoring and accreditation of degrees, faculty evaluation, R&D&I evaluation, as well as the most relevant information shared by the Agency and the highlights of the year. During 2022, AVAP…

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Javier Oliver takes part in the 20th anniversary of CREUP

Javier Oliver, General Director of AVAP, participated in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of CREUP. During April 18th and 19th, the Coordinadora de Representantes de Estudiantes de Universidades Públicas (CREUP) celebrated 20 years of work for students’ rights with the premise of building a Public, Free, Quality, and Inclusive University. This event, held at…

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Registro en EQAR

AVAP is officially listed in the EQAR Register

AVAP is proud to officially annouce that is now listed in the EQAR Register (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education). EQAR is the EHEA’s official register of Quality Assurance Agencies, listing those that substantially comply with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). AVAP has achieved an important milestone in its history by joining EQAR.…

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Comisión de Títulos AVAP

The Programme Evaluation Commission of AVAP meets

During the morning of March 8th, the Programme Evaluation Commission of AVAP met to review the provisional accreditation reports and final reports that have received allegations. After this meeting, the reports are issued and notified to the universities. This meeting is special for two reasons. On the one hand, we welcome the two new members…

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